My Story

Ron Kim

My name is Ronald Kim and I am your local licensed agent. Let me share with you why I was interested in Medicare and how I got involved with Medicare. It was my mother who was living with me due to her health condition for 8 years. I was trying to find the best possible coverage with the least amount of premium. I did many months of research on the topic of Medicare. After 6 months of research, I have found enough information on Medicare. I was able to find the right coverage with her specific needs. After consulting with her, she had decided to enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan until her passing few years ago. This plan met her needs and she felt comfortable enrolling into this plan. Because of the coverage with additional benefits such as dental, vision, hearing, acupuncture, chiropractor, over-the-counter items, and more, it will be a great help to stay healthy with these extra benefits.

As your licensed agent, I can do the same for you. I will do my due diligent like I did for my mom. I will help you to find the right plan that fits your specific healthcare needs if you give me an opportunity to serve you.