Medicare FAQs

Below are our frequently asked questions. For more information, please contact us for a consultation.


A: Federal Health Insurance Program that covers approximately 80% for Part A, hospital and Part B, for doctor visits. Private insurance will cover the 20% plus prescription drug plan.
A: You need to be either 65 years old or disabled including end stage renal disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease).
A: Initial Enrollment Period- 3 months prior to your birthday month & 3 months after, total of 7 months. There are other times that you can enroll depending on the given situation.
A: Part A – hospital, there is no premium if you worked for 40 quarters (10 years). For Part B, there is a cost of $170.10 per month. Even with cost, it covers approximately 80%.
A: You can visit for online Medicare enrollment. Or, you can call 1-800-772-1213 to schedule an appointment with social security administration for in-person enrollment.
A: There are 4 components in Medicare, Part A - hospital, Part B - for doctor’s visits, Part C – additional benefits, and Part D – prescription drug plan.
A: Option 1 – Medicare Advantage Plan includes Prescription Drug Plan plus additional benefits. or Option 2 – Medicare Supplement Plan and Prescription Drug Plan separately.